About the Blog

This maybe the shelter for my thoughts. The place of solace to be, when failures overruns me and my incapacity to do something with my own desires depresses me.I clad myself with peace, joyfully concealing my real feelings. I am a prisoner of worries, in chain with unfathomable sadness, caused by human cruelty towards my in capacities. Yes I gird myself with pretense not for any feigned reason; just that sometimes, some things are better kept secret. Nevertheless, this thoughts will be moving on until the edge with every bit of patience, with every breath of prayers, with hope as my comfort and ethereal grace as my savior.

My thoughts without my body wander around in this sublime enigmatic world, hunting pictures and images, of knowledge and understanding for my starving, bedridden soul.

I write not because I am a writer or a poet, nor for glory and for fame, neither because I consider myself skilled in this field; which I myself know I am not. I write because I yearn for a list of NOTES. Notes of random events, of memoirs my thoughts have had encountered. A notes of memories of my wandering thoughts which I can call "my own"...

Friday, July 16, 2010

No One is Perfect

This morning found myself being tagged of a note about lesbians and gays. Coincidentally the prayer meeting's topic lately was also about lesbians and gays, so it triggers me to write about my own views about it. Don't take me wrong as homosexuality is completely out of this topic. And I don't conform with it, as it is against the law, be it naturally or spiritually. I just don't agree and I think it is unfair to say that lesbians and gays are destined for damnation, or they are crazy freaks born out in this world. Who we to condemn anyone? In the first place who wants to be a lesbian or a gay? Are they given the choice what would they be like after being born? It isn't their choice because no one in this world were born by choice and we know this for fact. My point is Lesbians and gays are part of this world, part of Gods creation. They were created as normal people were created. They maybe different in a way but they have also spirit, soul and feelings as normal people do, what I am trying to say is they are also human...And as humans, I believe, Lesbian's and Gay's have rights as normal people have. They have goodness, skills, beauty and talent as normal people do. And as part of God creation I believe they have chances even for ethereal matters, just if they are willing to work for it, for they are humans too. It is not their mistake nor their sin being born that way, so who are we to judge? Instead of mocking and deriding them , why don't we just leave them behind and let them live as normal people do? If we can't treat them good and right why don't we just leave them alone as a respect, even if it's just for the sake of them being human. Lucky are we who were born normal, so let us try to be humane. We maybe born normal, but we are no less than different from them, as we also have our own flaws. No one is perfect and this don't give us the right to belittle anyone or anybody. Unless you haughtily  think and believe your perfect...and Do you...?

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