About the Blog

This maybe the shelter for my thoughts. The place of solace to be, when failures overruns me and my incapacity to do something with my own desires depresses me.I clad myself with peace, joyfully concealing my real feelings. I am a prisoner of worries, in chain with unfathomable sadness, caused by human cruelty towards my in capacities. Yes I gird myself with pretense not for any feigned reason; just that sometimes, some things are better kept secret. Nevertheless, this thoughts will be moving on until the edge with every bit of patience, with every breath of prayers, with hope as my comfort and ethereal grace as my savior.

My thoughts without my body wander around in this sublime enigmatic world, hunting pictures and images, of knowledge and understanding for my starving, bedridden soul.

I write not because I am a writer or a poet, nor for glory and for fame, neither because I consider myself skilled in this field; which I myself know I am not. I write because I yearn for a list of NOTES. Notes of random events, of memoirs my thoughts have had encountered. A notes of memories of my wandering thoughts which I can call "my own"...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Power from the Sky

Ever since a child, when in pain, sorrow and grief, or in bewilderment, I often found myself, alone, in a secluded place, where  I could possibly stare at the firmament. It would not matter if it's under the scorching heat of the sun, or under the shimmering brightness of the moon and star, as long as I can gaze it long as I want.
It's been my life routine and until now, whenever I feel empty, lonely, troubled or scared, I just look up the heaven, and miraculously after wards I feel peace and serenity. I don't know why, but just beholding the sky comforts and calms me. Maybe because of its charm and beauty from dusk till dawn, or of its awesome existence for billion years that shows a spirit of infinity.
            Whatever may it be I believe there is a power behind the sky. One thing I am grateful for, is that I understand that behind the grandeur of the vast welkin, behind the wonderful colors of the rainbows, behind the magnificence of the illuminating moon and the twinkling of the stars, is a power of a great being that never tires to  care, watch and listen. And I knew that whatever censored things or things happen underneath the sky will have its own compensation in due time, and this is my hope. My only supplication is  that, may He never covers His ears with clouds  towards my prayers and never listen... For I rejoice in His majesty that reflects  in the comfort I feel in that wild blue yonder, and forever I will glory that empyrean power I found above the sky...

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